🎉  Charter and Omnipointment are excited to join forces with Mimir: a company dedicated to CS students.

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Group Projects without Slackers

We help your students learn to be better teammates.

Get Charter for Your Class

How It Works

Better Teammates from the Start

Charter empowers students to set team norms and roles, so no one gets stuck doing the whole project.

Charter teaches students about milestones and feedback, so they can produce higher quality work.

Setting expectations.

Identify Struggling Teams

See who is contributing, who isn't, and why.

Send struggling students an intervention from our library. Just 3 minutes of your time can change the trajectory of a group.

Student progress.

Assess Team Performance

Using our collaboration analytics, you can assess teams as a whole and as individuals in order to give more fair grades.


Get Started

Our team wants to learn about your class so we can tailor Charter to your needs!

Schedule a Call

Omnipointment | 2017